proj03 : Finishing up your issues

num ready? description assigned due
proj03 false Finishing up your issues Wed 11/28 12:30PM Tue 12/04 05:00PM

Step 1: Hold an Agile Standup Meeting (Scrum)

As part of your standup, each team member should update the team with:

ALSO: the entire team should review the Kanban Board (linked to from the Kanban Board column of the Teams Spreadsheet:

  • Mentor: Record attendance for the standup

Step 2: Make a plan

After the standup, but as a team, discuss when/where you will meet up again next between now and the deadline for completing your issues, which is midnight Tuesday.

Review your “minimum viable product” and issues, and if needed simplify, and/or add new issues (or skunkworks projects), that your mentor approves, that will get you to the goal and are feasible in the timeframe left.

Discuss with your mentor the timeline for getting issues QA’d and graded Wednesday and Thursday.

Step 3: Ask for help with roadblocks

If you have any remaining technical roadblocks:

Offer help to others too, that may be stuck.

Step 4: Work on your issues

Get ‘em done!

All issues are due (should be ready for Mentor QA grading, with a pull request submitted) by:

For any work done after that, your mentor may not have time to QA it in time for the TA to grade it.

Only work that is QA’d by the time the final lab starts (Tue, Dec 04, 18 at Dec:12 PM is eligible for course credit towards the project grade.